declaratory - définition. Qu'est-ce que declaratory
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est declaratory - définition

Declaration of trust; Negative declaration; Declaratory; Declaratory law

Expressive, affirmative, enunciative, enunciatory, assertive, declarative.
Explanatory, expository, declarative.
·adj Making declaration, explanation, or exhibition; making clear or manifest; affirmative; expressive; as, a clause declaratory of the will of the legislature.
Declaration (law)         
In law, a declaration is an authoritative establishment of fact. Declarations take various forms in different legal systems.


Declaration (law)

In law, a declaration is an authoritative establishment of fact. Declarations take various forms in different legal systems.

Exemples de prononciation pour declaratory
1. The End of Illness is a declaratory, aggressive title.
David Agus _ Talks at Google
2. Over and over again, we make these declaratory statements without any real data.
David Agus _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour declaratory
1. Plaintiffs want damages, declaratory and injunctive relief, restitution and disgorgement of profits.
2. In a declaratory statement presented to the Central Elections Committee prior to the 2006 elections, Bahayne stated that he is the rabbi of a community in Be‘er Sheva.
3. The newly filed publishers suit seeks a declaratory judgment that Google is committing copyright infringement by scanning books, said Patricia Schroeder, president of the Association of American Publishers.
4. "Our effort should be to move SAARC from a stage of declaratory statements to a stage of actually doing some collaborative work," he said.
5. It‘s no wonder that state and national politicians are unsure whether to pass English–only laws that are purely declaratory or ones that require official government communication to be in English – the latter having been successfully challenged in court.